In such cases you'll need to install SQL Server for Windows. Or you might need a feature that isn't included in the Linux edition of SQL Server. For example, you might want to connect to your local instance of SQL Server using a local copy of SSMS (which is only available for Windows). However, while that's an excellent option, there may be times where you want (or need) to install the Windows edition of SQL Server on your Mac. This allows you to run SQL Server on the Mac without having to install Windows. Rename a computer with SQL Server: Update system metadata that is stored in sys.servers after the hostname of a computer hosting a stand-alone instance of SQL Server has been renamed.

Repair a Failed SQL Server Installation: Repair a corrupt SQL Server installation. You can install SQL Server for Linux on a Mac (with the help of Docker). Install a SQL Server failover cluster instance. Yes! Starting with SQL Server 2017, you no longer need Windows to run SQL Server. You'll be able to have Windows and Mac running simultaneously, which means you can switch back and forth between Windows and macOS as often as you like. Once you've completed that, you're done! You'll have SQL Server for Windows running on your Mac. This is a GUI management tool that allows you to work with SQL Server. Again using Windows (in the virtual machine you just created), download SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) from the SSMS download page and install it, following the prompts.

Sign up to Docker and download the app for your Mac.
Once you've installed Windows in the previous step, you can go ahead and install SQL Server to that Windows operating system (inside your virtual machine). Here’s how to install Docker on your Mac.